Monday, February 15, 2010


At the Blue Lagoon!

Here we are at the Golden Waterfall

Mom preparing to cook a fabulous Icelandic meal

Our Icelandic feast on our last night. The food is (clockwise from what Michael is
holding), strawberry Skyr (Iceland's version of yogurt, really a liquid cheese), Iceland's national food the hot dog, dried fish (sort of like beef jerky to them), more raspberry and apple Skyr, Mom's wonderful fish, onion, and potato concoction, and last but not least, rye flat bread. Yum!

Here we are at the Prime Meridian at Greenwitch Observatory with a foot in both the Western and Eastern hemispheres!

Life's a stage, especially at Shakespeare's Globe Theater

The 'tube'(subway), became our best friend, Hounslow Central was our home station, but we think we rode on every single line in London.

Visiting our good friend Todd Ludwig in London.

Visiting Westminster Abbey

Leaving London :(

Mom driving on the left in London!

Boarding the Channel Tunnel Train.

The French countryside while approaching the donminating Mont Saint Michel.

An extremly reasuring sign at Mont Saint Michel, informing us that our car was not at risk of being washed away by the tide today.

Just one of the plots at the American Normandy Memorial Cemetery.

A fortified gun placement atop Pointe Du Hoc.

We had to support the Eiffel Tower to keep it form blowing over in the strong wind!

Visiting our cousins in Switzerland, notice Erin and her kids are all bundled up, and we are in our summer T-shirts. :)

If you choose to vist Erin and Aaron in their penthouse apartment, this is the great view that you will greet you outside your bedroom window!

A little sample of the terrain we drove through!

Venice's Rialto Bridge by night

Trying to share a 'gellato' cone.

Michael picking oranges at our campsite, this time in the morning and not at midnight.

Walking the streets of Pompei

Friday, February 12, 2010